MLS #: ML81240117
4 Bed
2F, 1P Bath
2274 Sqft.
4070 Sqft. Lot
List Date: 11/6/2012
7 Days On Market
31 Years Old
MLS #: ML81240117
4 Bed
2F, 1P Bath
2274 Sqft.
4070 Sqft. Lot
List Date: 11/6/2012
7 Days On Market
31 Years Old
* Displayed statistics are based only on selected sample shown and are meant for quick comparison purposes only. They may or may not accurately reflect actual market conditions. Please contact your agent for a complete and updated analysis.
* Displayed statistics are based only on selected sample shown and are meant for quick comparison purposes only. They may or may not accurately reflect actual market conditions. Please contact your agent for a complete and updated analysis.
* School information is intended to be used as a reference only. It has occasionally been found to not be accurate or the most current information. You should independently verify enrollment eligibility or academic performance data, to do so please contact the school directly.
{listPrice} {listPriceDiff}
MLS #: {MLS}
{beds} Beds {bedsDiff}
{fBaths}F, {pBaths}P Bath {fBathDiff}F{pBathDiff}P
{sqft} Sqft. {sqftDiff}
{lotSize} Sqft. Lot {lotSizeDiff}
List Date: {listDate}
{DOM} Days On Market {DOMDiff}
Sold Date: {soldDate}
Sold Price: {soldPrice}
Pending Date: {COE}
{age} Years Old {ageDiff}
Adjusted Price: ${adjusted}
List Price: ${list}
Sold Price: ${sold}
Price Per Sqft: ${sqft}
Days on Market: {dom}
Level: {level}
Grades: {minGrade} - {maxGrade}
API History: {apiHistory}
Total Students: {studentTotal}
Ethnic Breakdown:
African American: {studentAfricanAmerican}
Asian: {studentAsian}
Hispanic: {studentHispanic}
Native American: {studentNative}
Pacific Native: {studentPacific}
White: {studentWhite}
Multiple Race: {studentMulti}
Students Below The Poverty Level: {studentPoverty}
Students In All Lunch Programs: {studentAllLunch}
Students In Free Lunch Programs: {studentFreeLunch}
Full Time Teacher Postions: {teacherFull}
Student To Teacher Ratio: {teacherRatio}
{minGrade} - {maxGrade}
{distance} mi.
Grade: {minGrade} - {maxGrade}  |  Distance: {distance} mi.
Rank: {mobileRank}
Subject Property: {listPre}{subject} {units}
List Property: {listPre}{list} {units}
{prefix} {listPre}{difference} {units} {suffix}